You'll be asked to explain the issue, such as a description and steps to reproduce. Please be as descriptive as possible, as that will increase the likelihood the problem can be found and fixed. If you don't know some of the information, that is fine too.
Providing a Contact Email address is optional. You probably won't be contacted, but it can be helpful if I have some questions about what you're reporting (such as if I'm unable to reproduce the reported problem). Your contact email won't be used for any other purpose. Yes we already ask for your email address when creating the account, but we don't want to contact you at that address for any reason other than related to your account, and many people sign up for games on email addresses they don't actually check that often.
In addition there will be some other minor improvements, such as a bug fix for the recent resource gathering feature which prevented you from clicking on the same resource a second time, replacing the Sailing Quick Crew Button with a Gathering one, and some other minor performance improvements mostly on the server side.
In the Future
The next major feature work is expected to be on the main City window. I've gotten lots of complaints that it is unintuitive since it was added, and it has been planned to be replaced. It will be broken up into several different windows. There will be a window with primarily your city storage, one for outfitting your ship, one for managing all ships at the dock, and the Market window will be separated from all of them so you can move the Market window around freely.This will make the buttons on these windows make more sense, and free up some real estate for some new feature work coming later, specifically adding the option to change ship skins, finally name your ships (the feature is implemented everywhere for years except actually assigning the name doesn't currently work), some functionality specific to a new Missions feature (quests basically) where you'll carry specific people or items that are unique to that Mission. Another similar feature I want to add is adding Lieutenants to your ships. These will basically provide different bonuses to your ship, which increase with experience.
After that I want to finally add the Trade Company feature, and expand the territory covered by the game. The goal is to cover the West African coast and the North American east coast first, then expand out towards India and South America, and then finally to get to the starting positions for the 3 East Asian nations. Last will be Australia and the west coast of the Americas (which I'm excited about as I live on the US west coast).
This looks like it's going to be quite a fun game! I can't wait to play it when it releases!