Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Finally got around to adding the fishing mechanic.  Fish appear as a natural resource, and are depicted on the minimap as a turquoise circle.  When you approach the fish they can be seen swimming around in the water.

To collect the fish you go to the top right Resources tab and give them a click (same place you click on item drops).  This will open the Gathering window, which will tell you how many fish are available to gather.  Click on the Gather button to start catching the fish.  Make sure you assign crew to the Gathering role in the lower left Crew tab, or you won't catch any fish.  You're reminded of this in the instructions on the Gathering window. There will not be a quick crew button for assigning crew to the Gathering role, so you'll have to manually assign them.  EDIT: After testing of the feature on the live server since its release, it was decided to replace the Sailing Quick Crew button with a Gathering Quick Crew button for 0.8.10.

As you catch fish you'll get an event alert with how many you caught (an event alert is the kind of message you see when you're hit with a cannonball), and you'll see them appear in your cargo hold assuming you have enough space available.  Once all the fish have been caught the resource will disappear.  Pretty simple.  You're then free to sell them at markets, and eventually you'll be able to craft them into fish meat or other products.

To start with there will be Salmon and Great White Shark spawns.  More will be coming later.  This will all come in 0.8.8 which will be pushed to Steam in the next few days.  In addition 0.8.8 comes with some minor bug fixes, a rebalance to the Stone Cannonballs, and all new characters immediately have the skills to sail at least a Latina Class Caravel.

Edit: Also adding Bass fish spawns at launch now.  In addition, the Fishing and Advanced Fishing skills now apply a 10% speed boost to catching fish per level.  Broadopedia has been updated to state this.

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